First International Census of Earliest Printed Editions of [tractates of] the Babylonian Talmud:

Prints from Incunables through Bomberg

Revised Edition

Yisrael Dubitsky


The primary purpose of the following list is to record all early editions of tractates of the Babylonian Talmud known to have been printed, as well as locations (current and some former) of extant exemplars, whether complete or incomplete. The objective is to provide as complete and clear a picture of the printing history of the Talmud text as possible for printing history and text-critical studies. To that end, Iberian, Italian as well as prints from Constantinople (some of which present text from the Italian editions, and some represent an independent textual tradition), are included. Since not all pages of the very earliest prints of each of those traditions survive, also included are some later prints that have been shown to bear witness to the earlier, now partly missing, editions. This listing basically concludes with the first Venice edition ([5]280-283 [1519-1522]), after which most editions follow, except for a few cases which can be shown to demonstrate independence from the Venice text (for example, Bava Metsia, Salonika, 1561).[1]


Information has been culled from the latest catalogs, bibliographical analyses and summaries found in the literature. It is neither the intention of this list to analytically and scientifically catalog and describe all witnesses of these traditions, nor to comprehensively record citations of earlier catalog entries. Furthermore, the list is not intended to record material beyond the Talmud text itself (such as commentaries) in each edition. For purposes of complete description and bibliography, the reader is referred to the modern catalogues and databases of the various major libraries and collections (e.g. JTSA, BL, etc. noted in the Selected Bibliography).


Tractates are arranged in traditional Talmudic order; editions of each tractate are arranged in chronological — actual or estimated – order; libraries holding copies or individual pages of each edition are arranged in descending order by size of exemplar. Imprint information is given only by city of publication, rather than publisher name. Rounded parentheses indicate that information is mentioned specifically on the title page or colophon (where these exist). Square brackets indicate the information is not provided on the title page or colophon (sometimes these are missing in all known copies) but rather represents estimates of bibliographical experts. Names and spellings of tractates are given as per title page and/or running title and/or hadran and/or colophon of each edition. As it is sometimes difficult to distinguish one early edition from another on the basis of fragments, there may be some differences among bibliographers in edition identification of particular fragmentary exemplars.


Locations and page descriptions of exemplars are based on published and/or online catalogs or, where possible, upon personal examination. Where possible, library shelf-marks and/or collection name are provided in parentheses as well. Page numbers in bold font indicate a complete edition. Private collections with published descriptive catalogs, or those already mentioned in the literature, are included with names; those not mentioned in the literature but known to this compiler are indicated only by the designation “private” (Rabbi D. Kamenetsky’s collection is the exception). Addresses of private collections are not included.


Items crossed out indicate former owner(s) or designation(s). Thus, for example, “Oxf Bod (Heb. c. 7 Vet. Or. c. Heb. 3)” indicates that the item now designated Vet. Or. c. Heb 3 was once designated Heb. c. 7, and may appear in older literature as such. Also, most of the Pesaro prints in Frankfurt’s library, from the Merzbacher collection, were destroyed in the ravages of the Second World War, and thus appear on this list as an historical item only, but are crossed off to indicate their current state. Second copies (whether complete or not) in collections are generally indicated by an underline under the pagination numeral (e.g. 13ff).


The pagination correspondences are given in angled brackets and are provided in terms of the now standard Vilna-Romm edition (1880-1886). The pagination and its Vilna correspondences are given only when they are provided in library catalogs or, where possible, based upon personal examination. Where library catalogs describe page lacunae in their exemplars, these are provided as well — but generally only in terms of exemplar pagination [viz., leaves] and quires, not Vilna correspondences. Exemplars with no page numbers noted indicate that that information could not be obtained in printed or online catalog descriptions. For comparative purposes, the Venice (and, where they differ: Vilna) pagination are provided, and refer to the Talmud text proper, not later works (e.g. Maimonides’ Mishnah commentary or Piske ha-Rosh) often printed after the text.


Notes to help identify the edition are occasionally included in Hebrew in angled brackets following the bare bibliographical data.


In the course of our work on this list, we have come across assorted points of interest regarding the various prints: which editions were printed on the basis of other editions; exemplars currently in different library collections but that were once of the same copy and became detached over the years;[2] individual pages from different exemplars of the same edition but that are slightly different, implying a second printing at least of those few individual pages of the same edition;[3] and more.


We are aware that the data provided here is not complete and awaits supplemental information, hopefully provided by private collectors and those public institutions who find errors or lacunae in the list below.


Finally, we are grateful to the countless institutions and individual librarians and scholars who kindly helped us with our queries, both small and large. We are especially grateful to Rabbi David Kamenetsky of Jerusalem for graciously benefitting us with an advanced copy of his forthcoming work on the Soncino, Pesaro and Barco Talmudic printings, as well as his private copies of early Talmud folia. The chart of Cambridge Genizah fragments which he and Tuvia Katzman (of the Institute for the Complete Israeli Talmud) identified as of early Italian Talmud printings is partly represented in the list below by the designation Camb*.


Selected Bibliography for Early Talmud Prints


Lehmann =

אהל חיים: קטלוג כתבי-היד העבריים בספריית משפחת מנשה רפאל ושרה ליהמן = Ohel Hayim: a catalogue of Hebrew manuscripts of the Manfred and Anne Lehmann family... כרך ג: ספרים נדפסים - אינקונבולים וספרי המאה השש-עשרה, מתוארים בידי שמעון מ’ יקירסון, בהשתתפות אלעזר הורביץ. ניו יורק: קרן מנשה רפאל ושרה ליהמן, 1996.


Epstein, Mavo =

אפשטיין, יעקב נחום. מבוא לנוסח המשנה: נוסח המשנה וגלגוליו למימי האמוראים הראשונים ועד דפוסי ר’ יו"ט ליפמן הלר. מהד’ ג. ירושלים: מאגנס, תש"ס. 2 כרכים


Dimitrovsky, SB; Mavo =

דימיטרובסקי, חיים זלמן. שרידי בבלי: שרידי גמרות והלכות הרי"ף שנדפסו ע"י יהודי ספרד ופורטוגאל לפני הגירוש ובדור שלאחריו = Śeride Bavli = Fragments from Spanish and Portuguese incunabula and sixteenth century printings of Babylonian Talmud and Alfasi. ניו יורק: בית המדרש לרבנים באמריקה, 1979. ב' כרכים. כולל: שרידי בבלי: מבוא ביבליוגרפי היסטורי = S’ridei Bavli: an historical and bibliographical introduction.


Habermann, Soncino =

הברמן, אברהם מאיר. המדפיסים בני שונצינו: תולדותיהם ורשימת הספרים העברים שנדפסו על ידיהם. וינה: ד. פרנקיל, 1933.


Habermann, Perakim =

הברמן, אברהם מאיר. פרקים בתולדות המדפיסים העברים ועניני ספרים. ירושלים: ר' מס, תשל"ח.


Vinograd, Otsar =

וינוגרד, ישעיהו. אוצר הספר העברי: רשימת הספרים שנדפסו באות עברית מראשית הדפוס העברי בשנת רכ"ט (1469) עד שנת תרכ"ג (1863) =Thesaurus of the Hebrew book: listing of books printed in Hebrew letters since the beginning of Hebrew printing circa 1469 through 1863. ירושלים: המכון לביבליוגרפיה ממוחשבת, 1993-1995. ב' כרכים.


Vinograd, CD =

וינוגרד, ישעיהו ומשה רוזנפלד. אוצר הספר העברי: מהדורה ממוחשבת. מהדורה א. ירושלים: המכון לביבליוגרפיה ממוחשבת, תשס"ו. [תקליטור]


Chwolson, Reshit =

חבולזון, דניאל. ראשית מעשה הדפוס בישראל. תרגם משפת רוסיה עם הערות ונוספות מאת המחבר, משה אלעזר אייזענשטאדט. ווארשא: לעווינסקי, תרנ"ז.


Chwolson, Reshimat =

חבולזון, דניאל. רשימת ספרי ישראל: הנמצאים באוצר הספרים אשר להפרופיסור דניאל חוואלזאן =Katalog der hebraeischen Buecher in der Bibliothek des professors D. Chwolson ווילנא: האלמנה ראם, תרנ"ז.


Tal, Betzah =

טל, אלכסנדר י. תלמוד בבלי מסכת ביצה: עיונים במסורות הנוסח ובשאלות עריכה = Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Betzah: studies in its textual traditions and redaction דיסרטציה, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, תשס"ז.


Traube =

טרויבע, יצחק מאיר. מחקרים במסכת קידושין לאור הגירסאות בכתבי יד וראשונים =

Studies in texts and manuscripts of Tractate Kiddushin. (PhD diss., Yeshiva University, 1975).


Yudlov, GY =

יודלוב, יצחק. ספר גנזי ישראל: ספרים, חוברות ועלונים מאוסף ד"ר ישראל מהלמן אשר בבית הספרים הלאומי והאוניברסיטאי = The Israel Mehlman collection in the Jewish National and University Library: an annotated catalogue of the Hebrew books, booklets and pamphlets.. ירושלים: בית הספרים הלאומי והאוניברסיטאי, 1984.


Iakerson, JTSA =

יקירסון, שמעון. קטלוג האינקונבולים העבריים מאוסף ספריית בית המדרש לרבנים באמריקה = Catalogue of Hebrew incunabula from the collection of the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. ניו יורק; ירושלים: בית המדרש לרבנים באמריקה, תשס"ד-תשס"ה. 2 כרכים.


Levin =

לוין, שלום דובער. "סימן עח." קובץ יגדיל תורה ג, חוב' ה (ל) (סיון-תמוז תשל"ט) עמ' שיג-שכ.


Mehlman, Genuzot =

מהלמן, ישראל. גנוזות ספרים: מאמרים ביבליוגרפיים. ירושלים: בית הספרים הלאומי והאוניברסיטאי, [1976].


Institute of Hebrew Bibliography =

מפעל הביבליוגרפיה העברית. הביבליוגרפיה של הספר העברי רל"ג-תש"כ =The bibliography of the Hebrew book, 1473-1960 [online database].. ירושלים: מפעל הביבליוגרפיה העברית, 2004. Now offered as one of the catalogues on the NLI’s online catalogue


Segal =

סגל, אליעזר. "הגהות שבגליונות מסכת מגילה בדפוס פיזרו מספריית הבודליאנה." עלי ספר ט (תשמ"א): עמ' 130-139.


Stollman, Eruvin X =

סטולמן, אביעד אברהם. המוצא תפילין: עירובין פרק עשירי מן התלמוד הבבלי = BT Eruvin Chapter X. תלמוד האיגוד, בעריכת שמא יהודה פרידמן. ירושלים: האיגוד לפרשנות התלמוד, תשס"ח.


Fogel =

פוגל, דב ישראל. פירוש רש"י למסכת בבא מציעא: חלקים נבחרים: פרקי מבוא. דיסרטציה, אוניברסיטת בר אילן, 1992.


Friedberg, Toldot =

פרידברג, חיים דב בריש. תולדות הדפוס העברי במדינות איטליה, אספמיה-פורטוגליה, תוגרמה וארצות הקדם: מראשית הוסדו והתפתחותו בערך שנת רל"ב ... בצרוף רשימה מפורטת מכל הספרים הראשונים <אינקונאבלן> שנדפסו עד שנת ר"ס ובלוית שתים וחמשים תמונות. אנטוורפן: (דפוס M. JACOBOWITZ), תרצ"ד.

Friedberg, Bet Eked =

פרידברג, חיים דב בריש. בית עקד ספרים: לקסיקון ביבליוגרפי לידיעת הספרות העברית בכלל ושמות הספרים העברים וביהדות-אשכנזית בפרט ... שנדפסו ... משנת רל"ד עד ... (תש"י) ... עם מפתח המחברים. ירושלים: 1970. ד' כרכים [במקור: תל אביב, 1951-56].


Friedman, David ben Elazar =

פרידמן, שמא יהודה. "רבי דוד בן אלעזר ס"ל ומסכתות התלמוד שנדפסו בדפוס שונצינו." אסופות ז (תשנ"ג) ט-כח.


Friedman, Masekhtot =

פרידמן, שמא יהודה. "מסכתות שנדפסו ולא נרשמו וכאלה שנרשמו ולא נדפסו." עלי ספר יח (תשנ"ו) .5-41


Rabbinovicz, Ma’amar =

ראבינאוויטץ, רפאל נתן נטע. מאמר על הדפסת התלמוד: תולדות הדפסת התלמוד: עם תיקונים השלמות ומפתחות על ידי אברהם מאיר הברמן. ירושלים: מוסד הרב קוק, 1952 [הדפסה חדשה: 2006; המאמר נדפס לראשונה במינכען, תרל"ז]


Strauss =

שטרויס, ברוך. אהל ברוך = The B. Strauss Library: the books in Hebrew characters (ספרי ברוך: רשימת ספרי ברוך שטרויס; חלק א) לונדון: שפירא וולנטיין, תשי"ט.


Spiegel, Hagigah Sefarad =

שפיגל, יעקב שמואל. "מסכת חגיגה - דפוס ספרדי מלפני הגירוש." קרית ספר נז, ג-ד (תשמ"ב) 725-726


Spiegel, Chapters =

שפיגל, יעקב שמואל. עמודים בתולדות הספר העברי - הגהות ומגיהים = Chapters in the history of the Jewish book. רמת גן: אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, תשנ"ו 1996. עמ' 83-99 = במהדורה ב (רמת גן: אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, תשס"ה 2005) עמ' 91-108.


Tadagi =

תדגי, יוסף. הספר והדפוס העברי בפאס. ירושלים: מכון בן צבי לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח, תשנ"ד.


Tishby, Vatican =

תשבי, פרץ. "האינקונבולים העבריים בספריה האפוסטולית של הווטיקן." קרית ספר נח,ד (תשמ"ג) 853-857.

Tishby, Israel =

תשבי, פרץ. "האינקונבולים העבריים בישראל." קרית ספר נט,ד (תשמ"ד) 946-958.


Tishby, Soncino =

תשבי, פרץ. "דפוסי ערס (אינקונבולים) עבריים: איטליה." קרית ספר סב (תשמ"ח-ט): 361-406, במיוחד עמ' 369-375 (מס' 29, שונצינו ברכות) ועמ' 379-383 (מס' 31, שונצינו ביצה).


Tishby, Bibliography =

תשבי, פרץ. "ביבליוגרפיה כוללת על אודות דפוסי-ערס (אינקונבולים) עבריים." קרית ספר סג,ב (תשנ"א): 579-602 (כולל רשימת ר"ת של ספריות).


Adams = Adams, H. M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries. Cambridge: University Press, 1967. 2 vols.


Adler, Talmud printing = Adler, Elkan Nathan. “Talmud printing before Bomberg.” Festskrift i anledning af Professor David Simonsens 70-Aarige Foedselsdag = Nir David. Copenhagen: Hertz, 1923. pp. 81-84.


Adler, Pesaro = Adler, E.N. “Les editions du Talmud de Pesaro.” REJ 89 (1930): 98-103.


Adler, Talmud incunables = Adler, E.N. “Talmud incunables of Spain & Portugal.” In Jewish studies: in memory of George A. Kohut 1874-1933, ed. Salo W. Baron and Alexander Marx. New York: The Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, 1935. pp. 1-4.


Adler, Talmud Manuscripts = Adler, E.N. “Talmud Manuscripts and Editions.” In Essays in honour of J.H. Hertz: on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, September 25, 1942 (5703), ed. I. Epstein, E. Levine and C. Roth. London: E. Goldston, 1942. pp. 15-17.


Artom = Artom, Elia S. “Gli incunaboli ebraici della Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino.” Soncino-Blätter 1 (1925-26): 47-69.


ISTC = British Library. Incunabula Short Title Catalogue. <>


Cowley = Cowley, A. E. A concise catalogue of the Hebrew printed books in the Bodleian library. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1929. ["Based upon M. Steinschneider’s ‘Catalogus librorum hebraeorum in bibliotheca Bodleian’ (1852-60)"]


Freimann, Typographisches = Freimann, Aron. “Typographisches,” Zeitschrift für hebraeische bibliographie VIII, no. 5 (Sept-Oct 1904): 143-144.


Freimann, Frankfurt = Freimann, Aron. “Die hebräischen Inkunabeln der Stadtbibliothek zu Frankfurt a. M.” In Festgabe für Friedrich Clemens Ebrard, zur vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres am 26. Juni 1920; gewidmet von seinen Freunden. Frankfurt am Main, J. Baer & Co., 1920. pp. 131-144.


Freimann, Hebraischen inkunabela = Freimann, A. “Die hebraischen inkunabela der druckereien in Spanien und Portugal.” In Gutenbergfestschrift, zur Feier des 25iaehrigen Bestehens des Gutenbergmuseums in Mainz 1925, ed. A. Ruppel. Mainz: Verlag der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1925. pp. 203-206.


Freimann, Thesaurus = Freimann, A. and M. Marx, eds. Thesaurus typographiae hebraicae saeculi XV = האוצר למלאכת הדפוס העברי הראשונה עד שנת ר"ס. Berlin-Wilmersdorf: Marx & Co., 1924-1931.


Gatch & Nielsen = Gatch, Milton McC. and Bruce Nielsen. “The Wittenberg copy of the Bomberg Talmud.” Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2003. Mainz: Gutenberg Gesselschaft, 2003. pp. 296-326.


Gesamtkatalog = Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke.


Goff = Goff, Frederick Richmond. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census of fifteenth-century books recorded in North American collections. New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1964. (annotated reprinting: Millwood, NY, 1973) (Hebrew incunables: pp. 316-325)


Harvard = Catalog of the Hebrew collection of the Harvard College Library, ed. Charles Berlin. München: K.G. Saur, 1995. 11 v.


Heller, PT = Heller, Marvin J. Printing the Talmud: a history of the earliest printed editions of the Talmud. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Im Hasefer, 1992.


Heller, 16th Cen. = Heller, M.J. The sixteenth century Hebrew book: an abridged thesaurus. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2004. 2 vols.


Heller, Earliest Printings = Heller, M.J. “Earliest Printings of the Talmud.” In Printing the Talmud: from Bomberg to Schottenstein: [exhibition catalogue], ed. Sharon Liberman Mintz and Gabriel M. Goldstein. [New York]: Yeshiva University Museum, 2005. pp. 61-79.


Heller, Designing = Heller, Marvin J. “Designing the Talmud: the origins of the printed Talmudic page.” In Studies in the Making of the Early Hebrew Book. Leiden: Brill, 2008. pp. 92-105.


Hill = Hill, Brad Sabin. Incunabula, Hebraica & Judaica: five centuries of Hebraica and Judaica, rare Bibles and Hebrew incunables from the Jacob M. Lowy Collection: exhibition. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1981.


Hillard = Hillard, Denise. Catalogues regionaux des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France: Vol. VI : Bibliothèque Mazarine. Bordeaux: Société des bibliophiles de Guyenne, 1989.


Incunabula Printing = Incunabula: the printing revolution in Europe, 1455-1500. Unit 16-17: Incunabula Hebraica / editor-in-chief, Lotte Hellinga. Microfiche Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Thomson Learning). Reading, Berkshire, England; Woodbridge, Conn.: Research Publications International, 1992- <2000>. (111 items on 645 microfiches)


Manzoni = Manzoni, Giacomo. Annali tipografici dei Soncino, XV-XVI centuries. Farnborough: Gregg International Publishers, 1969 (3 v. in 1) (rprnt of: Bologna: G. Romagnoli, 1883-1886)


Marx, Annalen = Marx, Moses. Annalen des hebraeischen Buchdruckes in Italien, 1501-1600. Cincinnati, OH: 1927-1931 [unpublished typescript; colophon dates completion at 29 Sept 1933]


Marx, Geschichten = Marx, Moses. Geschichten und Annalen des hebraischen Buchdrucks = History and Annals of Hebrew Printing ... [Cincinnati, 1942-] (unpublished; microfilmed notebooks preserved over several reels in the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts [IMHM] of the NLI)


Marx, HUC = Marx, M. “Catalogue of the Hebrew books printed in the fifteenth century now in the library of the Hebrew Union College.” Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 1 (1953-54): 21-47.


Meyer, S-tC = Meyer, Hermann Mz. A Short-Title Catalogue of the Hebrew Incunables and Other Books Illustrated in the “Thesaurus” With Some Bibliographical Reference. Supplement to (2nd ed. of) Part 1 of Freimann and Marx, Thesaurus Typographiae… Jerusalem, 1969.


Offenberg, Census = Offenberg, A.K. Hebrew incunabula in public collections: a first international census. In collaboration with C. Moed-van Walraven. (Bibliotheca Humanistica and Reformatorica, 47). Nieuwkoop: de Graaf, 1990.


Offenberg, BL = Offenberg, A.K. Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Library. BMC Part XIII: Hebraica. T̀ Goy-Houten: Hes & de Graaf, 2004.


Ohly = Ohly, Kurt and Vera Sack, eds. Inkunabelkatalog der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek und anderer öffentlicher Sammlungen in Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, [1967].


Proctor = Proctor, Robert. An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum: From the Invention of Printing to the Year 1500. With Notes of Those in the Bodleian Library. London: Holland Press, 1960 [rprnt of: 1898-1906].


Rosenthal = Rosenthal, Avraham. “Daniel Bomberg and his Talmud editions.” In Gli Ebrei e Venezia, ed. Gaetano Cozi. Milan: 1987. pp. 375-416.


Schaeper, Schocken = Schaeper, Silke. “The History of the Book Collection of Salman Schocken” (unpublished MA thesis, Hebrew University, 1995).


Schaeper, Einbandfragmente = Schaeper, S. “'S’ridei Schocken' - 'Einbandfragmente' of Hebrew incunabula and postincunabula at the Schocken Institute for Jewish Research.” In Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Proceedings of the 6th EAJS Congress, Toledo, July 1998. Ed. Judit Targarona Borrás and Angel Sáenz-Badillos. Leiden: Brill, 1999. 1: 627-635.


Schaeper, Bodleian = Schaeper, S. “An inventory of Hebrew incunabula.” In A catalogue of books printed in the fifteenth century now in the Bodleian Library, ed. Alan Coates ... [et al.] [Oxford]: Oxford University Press, [2005]. pp. 2715-2747.


Slijper = Slijper, E. “Eine portugiesische Talmud-Ausgabe vor 1500.” Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde 12, no. 5 (August 1908): 207-209.


Smith, BL = Second supplementary catalogue of Hebrew printed books in the British Library, 1893-1960. Prepared for publication by Diana Rowland Smith, based on the work of David Goldstein, Cyril Moss and others. London: British Library, 1994.


Steinschneider = Steinschneider, Moritz. Catalogus librorum hebraeorum. Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1964. [rprnt of: Berlin, 1852-1860]


Stillwell = [Stillwell, Margaret.] “Hebrew Incunabula in America (a census).” Journal of Jewish Bibliography 2 (1940): 67-77. [thanks Joshua Bloch of NYPL and Alexander Marx of JTSA in preface] = Incunabula in American libraries: a second census of fifteenth-century books owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, edited by Margaret Bingham Stillwell. New York: The Bibliographical Society of America, 1940. (Hebrew incunables: pp. 258-266)


Straalen, BM = Straalen, S. van. Catalogue of Hebrew books in the British Museum acquired during the years 1868-1892. London: The Museum, 1894.


Straalen, Supp = Straalen, S. van. Supplementary catalogue of Hebrew books in the British Museum, acquired during the years 1893-1899. London: The Museum, [1901?].


Tamani, Piacenza = Tamani, Giuliano. “Inventario degli incunaboli ebraici della Biblioteca Comunale di Piacenza.” La Bibliofilia LXXII, no. 3 (1970): 221-246.


Tamani, Parma = Tamani, Giuliano. “Inventario degli incunaboli ebraici della Biblioteca Palatina di Parma.” La Bibliofilia LXXV, no. 3 (1973): 239-281.


Tamani, IGI = Tamani, Giuliano. “Gli incunaboli ebraici delle Biblioteche d'Italia.” In Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia: a cura del Centro nazionale d’informazioni bibliografiche. Roma: Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1981. VI: 281-304.


Tamani, Soncino = Tamani, G. Tipografia ebraica a Soncino, 1483-1490: catalogo della mostra. Soncino: Edizione dei Soncino, 1988.


Teicher = Teicher, J.L. “Fragments of unknown Hebrew incunables.” Journal of Jewish Studies 1 (1948/9): 105-110.


Zedner = Zedner, Joseph. Catalogue of the Hebrew books in the library of the British Museum. London: British Museum [etc.], 1867.



Collections’ Abbreviations:


  1. Amst: Universiteitsbibliotheek, Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  2. BAVat: Biblioteca Apostolica,Vatican, Italy
  3. Beit Ariela: Sifriyat Rambam, Tel Aviv Public Library, Tel Aviv, Israel
  4. BL: British Library, London, England
  5. Camb: Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, England (generally identified by H.Z. Dimitrovsky)
  6. Camb*: ibid. (identified by D. Kamenetsky and T. Katzman)
  7. Chwolson: former private collection of Daniel Chwolson (1819-1911); probably currently located in the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (formerly: the Asiatic Museum).
  8. Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen, Denmark
  9. ENA: former private collection of Elkan Nathan Adler (1861-1946); generally distributed to JTSA, HUC and BL.
  10. FrankAM: Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  11. Habad: Habad-Lubavitch Library, Brooklyn, NY
  12. Habad website:
  13. Hamburg: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg, Germany
  14. Harvard: Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  15. HUC: Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, OH
  16. JTSA: Jewish Theological Seminary of America Library, New York, NY
  17. LC: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
  18. Leiden: Universiteitsbibliotheek, Leiden, The Netherlands
  19. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, Portugal
  20. Manchester: John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester, Manchester, England
  21. Mazarine: Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris, France
  22. Munich: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany
  23. NLC: National Library of Canada (The J. Lowy Collection), Ottowa, Canada
  24. NLI: National Library of Israel (formerly: JNUL = Jewish National and University Library), Jerusalem, Israel
  25. NLI website (of Digitized Books):
  26. NYPL: Research Library of the New York Public Library, New York, NY
  27. Oxf Bod: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, England
  28. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France
  29. Parma: Biblioteca Palatina, Parma, Italy
  30. Piacenza: Biblioteca Comunale Passerini-Landi, Piacenza, Italy
  31. SchockenInst [or: Jer-Sch, based on Tishby]: Schocken Institute, Jerusalem, Israel
  32. StPeters BAkad: Biblioteka Akademii Nauk SSR, St. Petersburg, Russia
  33. Strauss: former private collection of Berthold Baruch Strauss (1901-1962) of London; primarily acquired by Yeshiva University.
  34. Turin: Biblioteca Nazionale Universataria, Turin, Italy
  35. Yale: Beinecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
  36. YU: Mendel Gottesman Library, Yeshiva University, New York, NY

דפוסי התלמוד הקדומים ביותר



א. ברכות


  1. ברכות [ואד אלחגארה, ר"מ][4]

Camb 8ff <=18a-b; 19b-20a; 53a-b; 56b-57a; 58a-59a; 63a-b>;

JTSA (H103, 2) 1f <=10a-b>

  1. ברכות (שונצינו, כ' טבת – ו' אד"ר, גמרא [=רמ"ד])[5]

BL (C.50.d.1) 118ff;

JTSA (H102) 112ff;

BAVat (II.772 (1)) 110ff <lacks ll. 17-24>; 9ff <= ll. 109-117>;[6]

Oxf Bod (Opp. fol. 375 Opp. fol. 583 [parchment]; Heb. c. 7 Vet. Or. c. Heb. 3 [1 leaf]);

SchockenInst 14ff <=19a; 38b; 49a-b; 50b; 51b; 52a; 55a; 56a; 61b; 62a-b; 63a-b>;[7]

FrankAM (Ohly 2623 = Inc. heb. 50 = Ausst. 190);

Parma (De Rossi 1303) [parchment];


Habad 5ff

  1. ברכות [פארה, לפני רנ"ז][9]

Mehlman/NLI 12ff[10] <=47a-56b> = NLI website;

Camb 7ff <=7b-8b; 47b-48b; 50a-51b; 59b-61a>;

private (Schischa) 3ff <=48b-49a; 49a-50a; 57b>;

private (Mehlman) 1f;

JTSA (H103, 1) 1f <=22b-23a>

  1. ברכות [קושטא, רס"ה בערך] <אפשר שהודפסה ע"פ דפוס שונצינו>[11]

private (Benayahu) 3ff <=5a; 29a-b; 32b>;

private (Kamenetsky) 3ff <=15b-16a; 36b; 39b>;

Camb* (TS NS 295.23; TS Misc. 19.105; 19.59) 3+ff <=25b-26b; 31a-32a; 35-36>;

JTSA (included in T-33) 1f <=41b-42a>;

Camb (TS NS 316.40) 1f <=6b-7a>[12]

private 1f <from ch. 3 (=17b-26a)>[13]

  1. ברכות [שונצינו/פיזרו, רמ"ה-רע"ה][14] <אפשר שהודפסה ע"פ דפוס שונצינו>

JTSA (T-18 = SHF 1719:19) 98ff

  1. ברכות [איטליה, ר"ע בערך] <ע"פ רש"י ותוספות ועל הדף מתחת לתוס' לקט מקיצור פסקי הרא"ש באותיות מרובעות>[15]

NLI (R 2= 91 A 4045) 2ff <=19a-b; 26b-27a>;

Camb* (TS AS 191.147) 1f <=20b-21a>;

Camb* (TS NS 166.5) 1f <=22a-24b>;[16]

Camb* (TS Misc. 19.58) 1f <=27a-b>;

Camb* (TS Misc. 19.72) 1f <=31b-32a>;

Camb* (T-S Misc. 19.86) 1f <=32b-33a>;

Camb* (TS NS 332.45; NS 296.295) 1+ff <=50b-51a>

  1. ברכות [פיזרו, רע"ז- ר"פ][17] <אפשר שהודפסה ע"פ דפוס הבלתי נודע>[18]

JTSA (T-19 = SHF 1719:18) 98ff;

ENA/Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 1.1) 95ff;


Jer-Sch 3ff

  1. ברכות (ויניציאה, ר"פ) <הודפסה ע"פ דפוס שונצינו>[19]

66ff [Vilna: 64ff]


ב. שבת


  1. שבת [ספרד, רמ"ב בערך][20]
  2. שבת [איטליה, רמ"ט-רנ"ח][21]

FrankAM (Ohly 2626 = Inc. heb. 51) 163ff;

JTSA (H117) 23ff;1ff <=51b-55b; 86b-87a; 106a-107b;109b-121a;131b-134b;138a-140a>;

Oxf Bod (Heb.c. 176 Vet. Or. c. Heb. 5) 5ff <=107a-b; 108a-b; 133a; 143a-b; 158b-159a>; SchockenInst 1f <=48a>[22]

  1. שבת (ויניציאה, ר"פ)[23]



ג. עירובין


  1. עירובין [קושטא, רס"ט בערך][24]

JTSA (BM506.E7 1505) 16ff <=2a-6b; 9a-13a; 14b-18a; 21b-24a; 28a-29a; 33b-35a; 58b-59b [included in T-33]; 75b; 77a>;

Mehlman/NLI 8ff <=12a-13a; 14b-21b> = NLI website;

SchockenInst (ST 1:1-4; 1:13) 5ff <=17a-20b; 29a-31b>;

Camb* (TS Misc. 19.103) 1f <=48a-b>;

private (Kamenetsky) frag <=32a-b>

  1. עירובין [פיזרו, רע"ה בערך][25]

BL (1912.b.1; 1911.dd.21; both copies lack t.p.) 140ff; 140ff;

HUC (RBR B++) 140ff; 140ff;[26]

Mehlman/NLI 140ff = NLI website;

NYPL 140ff (lacks t.p.);

ENA/Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 2.2) 140ff; 138ff (lacks t.p.);

JTSA (T-16 = SHF 1719:17) 138ff;[27]

Habad 138ff; 8ff;

Enelow/Littauer/Harvard (Houghton Heb 2724.512) 137ff (lacks t.p.);

Oxf Bod (Opp. fol. 602);



private (A);[28]

private (B);


Manchester (A 110) 1f <=43a>;

SchockenInst 1f <=14b>;[29]


private (Chwolson) (2 copies: 140ff; 2nd copy lacks 11ff [may be JTSA copy])

  1. עירובין ([פס], י' כסלו רפ"ב)[30] <ע"פ רש"י אבל לא תוס'; רש"י בע"א משמאל העמוד ובע"ב מימין העמוד> <הודפסה ע"פ דפוס פיזרו>[31]

ENA/JTSA (BM506.E9 R37 1521) 36ff <=8a-12a; 25a-33b; 34b-42b>;

private (Kamenetsky) 5ff <=16b-19a>

[FrankAM (photocopy; complete original exemplar destroyed in WW2) 1f <=105a>]

  1. עירובין (ויניציאה, רפ"ב)



ד. פסחים[32]


  1. פסחים [קושטא, רס"ה-ט בערך][33]

private 15ff <=30a-34a; 69b-80a; 99a-104a; 105b-107a>;

SchockenInst (ST 1:5-6) 2ff <=44a-45a; 109a-110a>;

JTSA (BM506.P8 1505) 1f <=55b-57a>;

private (Kamenetsky) 1f <=22a>

  1. פסחים (ויניציאה, [ר"פ]) <המסכת הראשונה שבומבירג הדפיס>

129 [i.e. 121]ff


ה. ראש השנה


  1. ראש השנה ]קושטא, רס"ט בערך] [34]

NLI 4ff <=4b-10a> = NLI website;

private 2ff <=18a-19a; 30a-31b>;

SchockenInst (ST 1:12) 1f <=29a-30a>;

Camb* (TS NS 296.78) 1f <=10a-11b>

  1. ראש השנה [פיזרו, רע"ד]

BL (1951.f.11) 44ff;

ENA/JTSA (T-21 = SHF 1719:21) 44ff;

HUC (RBR B) 43ff (lacks l. 16);[35]

Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 2.8) 39ff (lacks t.p.);

private (Lehmann; SC 176-177) 36ff (lacks t.p. and final 7ff>; 1f <52 =21a-b>;





private (Chwolson) (copy lacks ff 1-4 & 6)

  1. ראש השנה [פס, רע"ו בערך][37] <טקסט התלמוד באותיות רש"י>

JTSA (BM506. R5 1516) 12ff <=2a-3a; 11a-19a; 27a-28a>

  1. ראש השנה (ויניציאה, רפ"א)



ו. יומא


  1. יומא [ואד אלחגארה, ר"מ בערך]

BL (C.50*.b.10) 74ff <=18-19; 31-34; 49b-88>;[38]

Camb 20ff <=3b-8a; 40b-41b; 51a-52a; 72a-75a; 76a-77b; 82b-83b>;

JTSA (H119) 12ff <=9b-10a; 10a-b; 16a; 47a-48a; 53a-b; 53b-54a; 83a-b; 84a-b; 84b-85a; 86b-87a; 87b-88a; 88a>;

Manchester (B 4949; 5241) frag <=7a>, (B 3952) frag <=75b>;

Habad 2ff <=4b-5b> = Habad website;

private (Kamenetsky) 1f <=47a-b>

  1. יומא ]קושטא, רס"ט בערך][39]

private 10ff <=2a-6b; 44a-52b; 60b-62a>;

SchockenInst (ST 1:7-11) 5ff <=72a-74b; 78a-81b; 88a>;

Mehlman/NLI 2ff <=24a-27a> = NLI website;

private (Kamenetsky) 1f <=81b-83b>;

JTSA (BM506.E7 1505) 1f <=83b-85a>;

private (Chwolson) <=16 + last 11ff>

  1. יומא [פס, ר"פ בערך] <ע"פ רש"י אבל לא תוס'; רש"י בע"א משמאל העמוד ובע"ב מימין העמוד>[40]
  2. יומא (ויניציאה, ר"פ)

88ff [Vilna: 87ff]


ז. סוכה


  1. סוכה [פיזרו, רע"ה]

ENA/JTSA (T-8 = SHF 1719:7) 74ff; (T-7 = SHF 1719:6) 67ff [current location uncertain];

NYPL (**P+) 74ff (lacks t.p.);

Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 2.6) 74ff;

BL (C.50*) 72ff;

Freimann/HUC (RBR B) 64ff (lacks ll. 11, 3-7; 2, 31, 125-6);[41]

NLI (RI 46 A965) 1f <=31b-32a> = NLI website;

Oxf Bod (Opp. fol. 628);

Turin[42] (Hebr.II.54-56);


Jer-Sch 2ff;

SchockenInst 1f <=20a>;[43]


private (B);[44]

  1. סוכה (ויניציאה, רפ"א)



ח. ביצה


  1. ביצה [ואד אלחגארה, ר"מ][45]

Camb 8ff <=4a-5a; 6b-7a; 13b-14b; 17b-18a; 20a-b; 22a-b>;

JTSA (H105) 2ff <=14b-15a; 17a-b>;

HUC 1f <=19a-b>

  1. ביצה ([שונצינו], ו' אד"ר, רמ"ד)

BL (C.50*.b.3) 70ff <lacks l. 58>;

FrankAM (Ohly 2624 = Inc. heb. 52) 70ff;

BAVat (II. 772 (2)) 62ff <lacks last 8ff>;[46]

JTSA (H104) 39ff[47] <=5a-6b; 12b-15a; 23b-40b>; 5ff;

SchockenInst 12ff <=2b; 4b; 17b; 21a-22a; 29a-b; 31b-32b>;[48]

Mehlman/NLI 6ff <=4b-5a; 9b-10a; 12b-13b; 21a-22b; 31b-32b> = NLI website;

Oxf Bod (Opp. add. 40 II.294(1));

  1. ביצה [קושטא, רס"ה בערך][49]

JTSA 4ff (see above, no. 29) <=20a->;

private (Benayahu) 1f <=12a-12b>;

Camb* (TS NS 294.23-24) 1f <=25b-26a>;

private 1f <from ch. 5 (=35b-40b)>[50]

  1. ביצה [איטליה/קושטא, רס"ט] <הנוסח ע"פ דפוס שונצינו; תכונות משונות מתקשרת הדפוס לנוהג בכ"י ודפוסים ספרדיים/מזרחיים וגם של קושטא; תכונה טיפוגראפית מיוחדת היא שסימני הקונטרס בפינה השמאלית העליונה>[51]

JTSA (H104) 20ff[52] <=17b-18a; 21b-22a; 24a-36a>

Camb* (TS NS 294.123; AS 189.27) 2ff <=37a-b;x>

  1. יום טוב (פיזרו ,[רע"ז])[53]

Turin (XV.III.79) 57ff <lacks ll. 82, 101, 6>;[54]

  1. יום טוב [פיזרו, רע"ה-ר"פ]

Jer-Sch 3ff <possibly 2b; 4b; 17b above in Soncino; as well as 2ff: 21a-22a further in Soncino above>

  1. ביצה (ויניציאה, רפ"א) <הודפסה ע"פ דפוס שונצינו>[55]



ט. תענית


  1. תענית [ואד אלחגארה, ר"מ בערך]

BL (C.50*.b.11) 43ff[56] <=2a-24a>

  1. תענית (פיזרו, [רע"ד-ה])

Mehlman/NLI 40ff = NLI website;

ENA/JTSA (T-23 = SHF 1719:23) 40ff;

private (B) 36ff;[57]

Jer-Sch 5ff;


Oxf Bod;




  1. תענית (ויניציאה, רפ"א)



י. מגילה[59]


  1. מגילה [פיזרו, רע"ה-ו]

NLI 42ff (lacks t.p.) = NLI website;

Oxf Bod (Opp. add 40 II.294 (2)) 42ff;

Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 2.91) 41ff (lacks t.p.);

Camb (S817.a.57.9) 41ff;[60]

ENA/JTSA (T-9 = SHF 1719:8) 40ff (lacks t.p.);

HUC (RBR B) 36ff (lacks t.p., ll. 2, 52-5,76);[61]


Jer-Sch 1f <=2a-b>;

private (Lehmann; SC 178) 19ff <=ll. 7-13, 16-22, 37-41>;

private (Chwolson) (lacks f. 6 and 29 and last 4ff)

  1. מגילה (ויניציאה, רפ"א)



יא. מועד קטן


  1. מועד קטן [ואד אלחגארה, ר"מ][62]

Camb 9ff <=2a-b; 6b-7a; 10a-11a; 12b-13a; 14a-15b; 17b-18a; 25a-b>;

Oxf Bod (Opp. add. fol.III.561) 2ff <=22a-b; 28b-29a>

  1. מועד קטן (פיזארו, כנהר שלו[ם] [= רע"ה])

BL (C.50*.b.6; lacks t.p.) 38ff;

NLI 38ff = NLI website;

JTSA (T-20 = SHF 1719:20) 37ff;

Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 2.92) 37ff;

HUC (RBR B) 37ff;[63]



Turin (Hebr.II.54-56)

  1. מועד קטן (ויניציאה, רפ"א)



יב. חגיגה


  1. חגיגה [ואד אלחגארה, ר"מ בערך][64]

ENA/BL (C.50*.b.12) 42ff;[65]

Habad 15ff <=2a-3b; 5a-10a; 11a-12a; 13b-14a; 16a>[66] = Habad website;

private (Mehlman) 7ff;[67]

private (Sofer) 7ff <=4a-5b; 9a-14a>;

JTSA (H108) 4ff <=4a-5a; 5b-6b; 8a-b; 22b-23a [+2 duplicates]>;

Camb 2ff <=20a-b; 24a-25a>;

SchockenInst/NLI 1f <=25b-26a> = NLI website

  1. חגיגה [פס, רע"ו בערך][68]

JTSA (MS R2330) 2ff <=5a-b>

  1. חגיגה (פיזרו, רע"ד)

JTSA (T-22 = SHF 1719:22) 36ff;

NLI 35ff (lacks t.p.) = NLI website;

Enelow/Littauer/Harvard (Houghton Heb 2730.513) 34ff (lacks t.p.);

HUC (RBR B) 30ff (lacks ll. 11, 56-end);[69]

Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 2.93) 22ff;



private (Chwolson);

private (B) 4ff


  1. חגיגה (ויניציאה, רפ"א)



יג. יבמות


  1. יבמות [ואד אלחגארה/פס, רמ"ב בערך][71]
  2. יבמות [קושטא, רס"ה][72]
  3. יבמות [קושטא, רס"ט][73]
  4. יבמות (פיזרו ,מרחשון רס"ט)

NYPL (**P+) 170ff (lacks t.p.);

SchockenInst/NLI 167ff (lacks t.p.) = NLI website;

JTSA (T-10 = SHF 1719:9) 166ff (lacks t.p.); (T-10-1 = SHF 1719:10) 10ff;

ENA/Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 3.1) 165ff (lacks t.p.);

Freimann/HUC (RBR B) 163ff (lacks t.p. and last 4ff);[74]

LC (BM506 Y5 1508 Hebr Cage) 162ff (lacks t.p.);

Yale (Mcd30 Y34 +508) 104ff <lacks ll. 11-6, 21-5, 76, 101, 171-4, 6, 184-6, 191, 4-6, 205-6, 211, 4-6, 221-6, 232,3,6, 244,6, 252,3,5,6, 26-281-6>;

Beit Ariela 103ff (lacks t.p. and ll. 48-104, 106-107);

Habad 2ff;

private (Zagayski[75]/ Lehmann; SC 173) 8ff <ll. 54, 61-66, 97>;

private (B);[76]


Oxf Bod (Opp. fol. 639);




  1. יבמות (ויניציאה, רפ"ב)



יד. כתובות


  1. כתובות [ואד אלחגארה, ר"מ][77]

Camb 8ff <=37b-38a; 39b-40b; 49a-b; 62b-63a; 65a-b; 69a; 77b-78a; 82b-83a; 97a-b>;

JTSA (H112) 7ff <=77b-78a; 83a-b; 86b-87a; 98a-b; 100a-b>;

private (Sofer) 6ff <=79a-b; 86b-87b; 94a-95a; 98b-99b;107b-109a>;

private (Benayahu) 2ff <=90b-91a; 93b-94a>;[78]

private (Hutterer) 2ff [now owned by Sofer];

SchockenInst/NLI 1f <=47b-48b> = NLI website;

Manchester (Mss B 5485-5487) 3 frags <= 84a-85a>[79]

  1. כתובות (שונצינו, כ' כסלו, רמ"ח)[80] <אולי ראשית מלאכת ר' דוד ס"ל>[81]

JTSA (H111) 98ff; 5ff <=3a-4a; 38b-43a; 43b-50b; 53b-end>;

ENA/HUC 30ff <=16a-30b; 35b-42a, 78a-b>;

NLI (Schocken 60) 30ff <=42a-54b; 67b-77b> = NLI website

  1. כתובות [פיזרו, ר"ע]

ENA/JTSA (T-10-2 = SHF 1719:11) 126ff (lacks t.p.) <=5b->;

Jer-Sch 1f;



  1. כתובות (ויניציאה, רפ"א)

102ff [Vilna: 112ff]


טו. נדרים[82]


  1. נדרים יניציאה, תמוז רפ"ב/ג) <מהדורה אחת אבל דף השער הודפס פעמיים>



טז. נזיר


  1. נזיר (ויניציאה, תמוז רפ"ב)



יז. סוטה[83]


  1. סוטה (ויניציאה, ר"פ)



יח. גיטין


  1. גיטין (שונצינו, ו' אדר ה' אלפים רמ"ח)[84]

JTSA (H106) 105ff;

ENA/ Wineman/Jesselson 23/NLI 27ff <=11a-13a; 33a-51b> = NLI website;

NLI (Schocken 61) 24ff <=73a-78a; 79a-90b> = NLI website;

SchockenInst 13ff <=3a-4a; 8a-9a; 12a; 16a-17a; 17b; 20a; 57a; 67b-68b; 70a-b; 70b-71b>;[85]

Camb (TS Misc 12.36-37) 1f <144=80a-b>;[86]

private (Zagayski?; present location uncertain)[87]

  1. גיטין [ספרד, לפני רנ"ב][88]
  2. גיטין (פארה, בפרשת משם רועה אבן ישראל, ברנה [=ו'-יא' טבת רנ"ז?])[89]

JTSA (H107) 13ff <=12a-13a; 14b-15a; 69b-71a; 84b-85a; 86a- 90b>;

Camb 10ff <=12a-19b; 57a-b; 82b-83a>;

Leiden (UB 508/859 A 17) 8ff <=63a; 65a-66a; 85b-87a; 88b-90a [+2 duplicates]>;

Mehlman/NLI 4ff[90] <=52a-55a> = (NLI website);

Lisbon 1f

  1. גיטין [פיזרו, רע"ז-ט]

ENA/JTSA (T-15 = SHF 1719:16) 95ff;

ENA/JTSA (ENA/T-32 = SHF 1719:24) 5ff;

Mehlman/NLI 3ff <=20a-21a; 35b-37a> = NLI website;

Jer-Sch 3ff;[91]



  1. גיטין (ויניציאה, רפ"א)



יט. קידושין


  1. קידושין [ואד אלחגארה, ר"מ בערך][92]

BL (C.50*.b.2) 142ff <=3b-81b; lacks first (two?) leaf and ll. 83-84;85-86;87;252;264-265;266-267;268;275;283-284;285>;

JTSA (H113) 14ff <=9b-10b; 28a-32b; 63a-b; 75b-76a; 78a-b>;

NLI (Schocken 69) 10ff <=23a-28a; 76b-78a> = NLI website;

Oxf Bod (Heb. c7 Vet. Or. c. Heb. 3) 5ff <=35a; 37a; 39a; 53b-54b>;

private 4ff <=73b-75b>;[93]

Camb 2+ff <=45a-b; 66b-67a>;[94]

Amst 2ff <29b-30a; 31b-32a>;

Camb* 1f <= may be last page>

  1. קידושין [ברק, רנ"ט בערך][95]

Camb (TS Misc 12.36-37) 5ff <=2a-4a; 54b-56a; 69a-70a>;

Camb* (TS AS 194.55, 197.57; NS 332.57) 1f <=4a-5a>;

Camb* (TS AS 195.403) 1f <=21a-b>;

Camb* (TS NS 268.54) 1f <=26a-b>;

Camb* (TS NS 269.45; AS 193.154) 1f <=42b-43a>;

Camb* (TS AS 197.267, 196.96) 1f <=46b-47a>;

Camb* (TS AS 192.309) 1f <=52b-53a>;

Camb* (TS NS 296.291) 1f <=59b-60b>;

Camb* (TS AS 189.12; Misc 13.18) 1f <=61b-62a; 65b-66a>;

Camb* (TS NS 295.202; AS 190.129) 1f <=65b-66b>;

Camb* (TS AS 197.228) 1f <=77a-b>;

Camb* (TS NS 267.128) 1f <=77b-78b>

  1. קידושין [קושטא, רס"ה בערך][96] <אפשר שהודפסה ע"פ דפוס ברק>[97]

private (Benayahu) 124ff <=3a-81b; lacks 2ff at beginning and 2ff at end> = NLI website;

JTSA (H114) 3ff;[98]

Mehlman/NLI (R2=75 A 879) 2ff <=8b-9a; 18>;

Camb 1f;[99]

Oxf Bod 2ff[100]

  1. קידושין ]קושטא, רס"ט בערך][101] <אפשר שהודפסה ע"פ דפוס ברק>[102]

private (Benayahu) 1f <=27a-b>

  1. קידושין (ויניציאה, ר"פ) <כנראה, המסכת השלישית שהדפיס בומבירג; אפשר שהודפסה ע"פ דפוס ברק>[103]



כ. בבא קמא


  1. בבא קמא ([שונצינו], אור ליד' ניסן, [רמ"ט ואילך])[104]

JTSA (H100) 124ff; 3ff;

FrankAM (Ohly 2622 = Inc. heb. 53) 121ff <lacks 2a-5b; 26a-b; 86b-87b; 99a-104b/5a; 105a-116b; 117b-118a>;

ENA/Wineman/Jesselson 24/NLI 27ff <=11b-19b; 33a-34b; 35b-36a; 38a-39b; 40b-45a; 46a-48a; 68b-71a> = NLI website;

NLI 13ff <=35a-b; 36a-42a; 43b-46a; 50b-52a> = NLI website;

Mehlman/NLI 9ff <=71a-77b; 103b-104b> = NLI website;

SchockenInst 8ff <=22a; 26a; 48a; 94a; 98b; 99b; 100a; 103b; 113b; 141a [+2 duplicates]>;[105]

private (Wineman; present location uncertain) 3ff from a smaller copy [may be JTSA]

  1. בבא קמא [פיזרו, ר"ע]

JTSA (T-13 = SHF 1719:14) 80ff;

NLI 11ff <= 9a-13a; 39b-40a; 48a-50a; 63a-64a; 70a-71a> = NLI website;

Jer-Sch 5ff;



  1. בבא קמא יניציאה, רפ) <אפשר שהודפסה ע"פ דפוס שונצינו ולא של פיזרו>[107]



כא. בבא מציעא


  1. בבא מציעא ([שונצינו], אור ליד' ניסן, [רמ"ט ואילך])[108]

JTSA (H101) 93ff <=8a-8b; 42a-b; 45b-66a; 67b-84b; 85a-90a; 90a-90b; 91b-end>; 4ff;

Mehlman/NLI 16ff <=23a-24a; 37b-38a; 75a-76a; 78b-79a; 83a-86b; 88b-90a; 101a-103a; 104b-106a> = NLI website;

ENA/Wineman/Jesselson 25/NLI 3ff <=35a-37b> = NLI website;

Oxf Bod (Heb. d.83 Vet. Or. d. Heb. 2) 1f <=l. 59>;

SchockenInst 1f <=60b>[109]

  1. בבא מציעא [פורטוגל (פארה?), לפני רנ"ח][110]

Camb 8ff <=12b-16a; 41a-b; 83b-84a; 102b-103a; 105a-b>

  1. בבא מציעא [פיזרו, ר"ע בערך]

JTSA (T-12 = SHF 1719:13; 1719:13a) 89ff (+2ff bound at end of H101 above)[111]

  1. בבא מציעא יניציאה, רפ"א) <הודפסה ע"פ דפוס שונצינו ולא של פיזרו>[112]


  1. בבא מציעא [שלוניקי, שכ"א] <הודפסה ע"פ דפוס פיזרו>[113]

JTSA (T-169 = SHF 1710a:1) 136ff


כב. בבא בתרא


  1. בבא בתרא [ספרד, ר"מ בערך][114]
  2. בבא בתרא (פיזרו, [ר"ע בערך])[115]

JTSA (T-11 = SHF 1719:12) 230ff; 2ff;

Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 4.3) 230ff (lacks last few pages);

Enelow/Littauer/Harvard (Houghton 2762.511) 219ff (lacks t.p.);

HUC (RBR B) 206ff (lacks ll. 11-2, 22, 3, 6, 7, 91, 12, 142-7, 208, 297-8, 301-2; many mutilated);[116]

Yale (Mcd30 B10 +511) 206ff <lacks ll. 11-8, 21-8, 31-7, 298>;

SchockenInst/NLI 203ff = NLI website;

private (B) 169ff;

NLI (R 2=46 A 965) 90ff;

private (Lehmann; SC 174/5) 53ff;

BL (C.50.d.22);

Oxf Bod (Opp. fol. 466 Opp. fol. 672; Heb. c. 176 Vet. Or. c. Heb. 5 = 1f <=226 =139b>);




SchockenInst 1f <=14b>[117]

  1. בבא בתרא יניציאה, רפ"א) <אפשר שהודפסה ע"פ דפוס פיזרו>[118]



כג. סנהדרין


  1. סנהדרין ([ברק], כא' כסלו, רנ"ח)[119]

BL (C.50*.d.3) 132ff;

Freimann/HUC (H116) 132ff <lacks ll. 1; 8. Mutilated ll. 2-7; 12-17; 24-25; 39; 48; 132>;

Camb (Clare College; A.5.1) 132ff;

Munich (Res/2 A.hebr. 280) 132ff

  1. סנהדרין יניציאה, ר"פ)



כד. מכות


  1. מכות יניציאה, ר"פ)



כה. שבועות


  1. שבועות [פורטוגל (פארה?), לפני רנ"ח][120]

JTSA (H118) 6ff <=30b-35a>;

Camb (TS Misc 19.110) 2ff <=13b-14b; 17b-18b>

  1. שבועות [פיזרו, רע"א-ב]

ENA/JTSA (T-14 = SHF 1719:15) 67ff <lacks 3b-4a>;

HUC (RBR B) 55ff (lacks ll. 11, 53-6, 61-5, 9);[121]


Florenz Collegio Rabbinico;[122]


  1. שבועות יניציאה, רפ"א)



כו. עבודה זרה[123]


  1. עבודה זרה [פיזרו, רע"ה]

ENA/JTSA (T-3 = SHF 1719:4) 102ff;

Oxf Bod (Opp. fol. 688) 102ff;

HUC (RBR B) 93ff (lacks ll. 11-5, 53-6; many mutilated);[124]

Littauer/Harvard (Houghton Heb 2764.511) 85ff (lacks t.p.);

Jer-Sch 9ff; 6ff;

Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 4.8) 8ff;


Turin (Hebr.II.54-56);


  1. עבודה זרה יניציאה, [ר"]פ) <המסכת השניה שהדפיס בומבירג>



כז. הוריות


  1. הוריות יניציאה, רפ"א)[126]



כח. זבחים


  1. זבחים יניציאה, אלול רפ"ב)

120aff [Vilna: 120bff]


כט. מנחות


  1. מנחות יניציאה, אב רפ"ב)



ל. חולין


  1. חולין [ספרד/פורטוגל (טולידו?), ר"מ- ר"ן][127] <בלי פירושים!>

Camb 8ff <=7b-8b; 10a-11a; 127a-129b; 132b-133a; 135a-136a>;

JTSA (H110, 2) 4ff <=57a-b; 67a-b; 71b-73a; 116b-117b>;

Mehlman/NLI 2ff <=35b-36b; 43b-45a> = NLI website;

private (Vinograd)/SchockenInst 2ff <=86a-88a>[128]

  1. חולין ([שונצינו], טו' תמוז, רמ"ט)[129]

JTSA (H109) 182ff; 9ff;

Munich (Rar. 161) 180ff;

Yale (Zi +7306.7) 180ff;

HUC 174ff <lacks ll. 1; 17; 177-180>;

private (Chwolson)/StPeters BAkad 174ff (lacks: intro; ll. 1; 13; 14; 16-19);

private (DFrankel[130]/ENA/Wineman; present location uncertain)155ff;[131]

NLI (Schocken 18 = A53) 120ff = NLI website;

Piacenza ((L) R.X.18)110ff;

Mehlman/NLI 27ff <=67a-69a; 82b-83b; 100b-101b; 104a-107a; 108; 113; 113b-117a; 118b-119b; 125; 126b-133a; 134a-135b>;

NLI 18ff;

Parma (De Rossi 1305);

SchockenInst 8ff <=31a-32b; 34a; 36b; 37a; 39a>[132]


  1. חולין ([פיזרו], תמוז רע"ט)

Strauss/YU (BM499 1507 Pesaro v. 5.3) 126ff (lacks t.p.);

JTSA (T-4 = SHF 1719:5) 102ff;

BL (1911.d.16);[133]

Oxf Bod (Opp. add. fol. II.178; Heb d. 54 [imperfect]);


Jer-Sch 11ff

  1. חולין [פס, רפ"א בערך][134]

JTSA (H110, 1) 2ff <=85a-86a; 98b-99b>

  1. חולין (ויניציאה, רפ"א)

141ff [Vilna: 142ff]


לא. בכורות


  1. בכורות יניציאה, רפ"ב)



לב. ערכין


  1. ערכין יניציאה, רפ"ב)



לג. תמורה


  1. תמורה יניציאה, אב רפ"ב)



לד. כריתות


  1. כריתות יניציאה, אלול רפ"ב)



לה. מעילה


  1. מעילה וקינים ומידות ותמיד[135] [וגם: שמחות, כלה וסופרים] יניציאה, תשרי –ב' כסלו רפ"ג)



לו. נדה


  1. נדה ([שונצינו], כה' אב, גומר [=רמ"ט])[136]

JTSA (H115) 95ff;

Yale (Zi +7307) 96ff;

FrankAM (Ohly 2625 = Inc. heb. 54) 95ff;

HUC 91ff <lacks ll. 1; 93-96>;

BL (C.50*.d.5) 88ff <lacks ll. 11-3, 121-2, 6-8>;

NLI (Schocken 19 = A54) 88ff = NLI website;

private (Wineman; present location uncertain) 60ff;[137]

private (Lehmann; IN 36-37) 56ff; 1f <72>;

Copenhagen (Madsen 4334) 22ff <=ll. 9, 12-13, 18-19, 73, 76-77, 79-82, 85, 87-95>;


private (Zagayski; present location uncertain);

private (Mehlman) 6ff;[138]

Parma (De Rossi 1306);


Chwolson/StPeters Akad (2 copies);

Oxf Bod (Opp. add. fol. III.448);

private (present location uncertain) 1f;[139]

private (present location uncertain) 83ff[140]

  1. נידה[141] יניציאה, ר"פ)



[1] Locations of exemplars of the [first] Venice-Bomberg tractates are not listed inasmuch as this edition – or at least, individual tractates of it, if not the complete set (see on this, Gatch and Nielsen, 296-300) — is common enough. Gatch and Nielsen estimate about twelve known complete, or nearly complete, sets, with others likely to be discovered in Central European libraries. As to the determination of a 1519 publication start date, rather than 1520 as is often used as the shorthand translation of the Hebrew [5]280, the date printed on nine of the first ten Bomberg Talmud tractates (Pesahim, the only one without a date on its t.p., is assumed to be the first — but this could have been the very latter part of [5]279, just as easily as [5]280), the consideration was the following. Since the terminus ante quem for the tractates published in [5]280 is 1 Tishre 5281 = Sept 13, 1520, this would leave only 8.5 months for the ten tractates, a total of ca. 976 pages, of 5280 to be printed. Considering these were Bomberg’s first Talmud printings, and that the total for the twelve months of the second year, 5281, was fifteen Talmudic tractates, equivalent to ca. 1200 pages, it may be assumed that the first year would have been more conservative in output and have begun sometime before January 1520. As to 1522 as the concluding date of publication of the Talmud edition: although the last volume of the set produced by Bomberg was printed in Sivan 5283 (June 1523), as this wasn’t Talmud per se but rather Mishnah Seder Taharot with commentary, and besides was at a remove of some six months from the previous volume produced in Kislev 5283 (December 1522), a determination of a 1522 final publication date is justified. Rabbinovicz, Ma’amar, 35, apparently felt likewise.

The Bomberg edition(s) has even been the subject of various facsimile reprintings, microfilm editions, and now, online digital scans. For example:

a) תלמוד בבלי. ספרית מקורות. ירושלים, 1967-1972. 24 כרכים.

b) The Talmud editions of D. Bomberg. Ed. A. Rosenthal. Leiden, The Netherlands: IDC, 1997. <320 > microfiches;

c) תלמוד בבלי: דפוס ראשון, ונציה ר"פ-רפ"ג: מהדורת צילום. ירושלים : אור החכמה, תשס"א. 10 כרכים.

And now d)

[2] Indicated by a double underline; see, for example, Soncino Ketubot.

[3] For various examples of the phenomenon in early Hebrew printings, see Isaac Rivkind, "Variations in Old Books," in Alexander Marx Jubilee Volume, Hebrew section, NY, 1950, pp. 401-32; A. Yaari in Kiryat Sefer 24 (1947) pp. 156-159; Marvin Heller, "Variations In and Between Early Hebrew Books," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2009, pp. 147-156, esp. nn. 5-6. For an early Talmudic example, see L. Goldschmidt, The Earliest Editions of the Hebrew Bible (NY: Aldus Book Co., 1950), p. 27, n. 1 who records a different printing of at least f. 262 (=ff. 152 and 155) of Yevamot (Pesaro, 1508). We have come across a second printing of folio 16b-17a in Nidah (Soncino, 1489), as well as other similar examples. Rosenthal, 403, n. t, refers to a difference in variant copies of the first Venice edition.

[4] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 3-8, 27-28, 41-42, 43-46, 53-56; Incunabula Printing, IH 101-102.

[5] Facsimiles: Incunabula Printing, IH 103. Freimann, Thesaurus, A26.

[6] Tishby, Vatican, 855 no. 30.

[7] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, no. 21.

[8] Artom, 56 no. 10; cf. Friedman, Masekhtot, 29, n. 90.

[9] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 1-2, 9-26א, 29-40, 42א-ג, 47-52; Incunabula Printing, IH 104. Date of publication is based on colophon at end of tractate Gittin (Faro).

[10] Yudlov, GY, 21, no. 18 claims that attached to the exemplar are three photocopied pages from an exemplar in “the Leiden library.” Neither the Leiden University library, nor its affiliated Rosenthaliana collection, can confirm owning any pages of this edition. It is likewise not recorded in Gesamtkatalog, M44822. When the exemplar, now held in NLI, was examined, the photocopies attached were found to contain Ber 59b-61a, originating in Camb T-S Misc 19.113, and appear in Dimitrovsky, SB. Based on examination of the Mehlman exemplar of the Faro Gittin (see further, n. 90), we surmise that because of the one photocopy there from Leiden, the others, including those of Berakhot, were assumed to originate there as well. Yudlov also makes no mention of the extra page in Mehlman’s collection (apparently not donated to the NLI) recorded by Tishby, Israel, 953, no. 59.

[11] Friedman, Masekhtot, 30. The dating is based on its probable association with the [Kushta] Kiddushin and Bezah. See, however, below, note 49 and correct the caption to the facsimile on Friedman, ibid., p. 31 to read “ca. 265.”

[12] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 144.

[13] Friedman, ibid.

[14] Referred to by Friedman, ibid, 27-29, as "הבלתי נודע" and assumes it dates between Soncino and Pesaro prints, most probably after 1501.

[15] See Friedman, ibid., 18, n. 50; Vinograd, CD, no. 30764. Detailed description of the edition has not yet been located, and it is not certain upon what basis the estimated dating was determined. The edition may have been associated with a similar edition of Pesahim, described by Habermann in Rabbinovicz, Ma’amar, 225.

[16] It must be assumed this represents a page with a typographical error in its skipping so much text, rather than a deliberate version.

[17] For the wording of the t.p., see Friedman, ibid, 15 n. 29. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 118, who determined that the Pesaro edition is based on the Spanish one. Friedman, ibid, 29, believes this edition was based on the earlier “bilti noda” one.

[18] Friedman, ibid, 29.

[19] Friedman, ibid.

[20] No exemplar known worldwide. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 78-80.

[21] Freimann, Thesaurus, A29. Friedman, ibid., 21-22, questions whether Soncino is the place of publication and estimates the dating to between 249-258 [=1488/9-1497/8]; Iakerson prefers instead: ca. 249 [=1488/9].

[22] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, no. 26.

[23] Despite Adler, Pesaro, 101, no. 16 (and Vinograd, Otsar, Pesaro 39), there was no Pesaro 275 [=1514/5] edition.

[24] Heller, 16th Cen., 1:15.

[25] While the illustration in Heller, PT, 110, 112 is captioned "Pesaro 1511," in the text there p. 113 he refers to it as "ca. 1511." In fact, in his later Heller, 16th Cen., 83 he identifies it as "c. 1515 Pesaro." Rabbinovicz, Ma'amar, doesn't provide a date estimate but records it more than halfway down his list (arranged in approximate chronological order) of tractates printed by Soncino between 1511 and 1519. (Strangely, Heller, Earliest Printings, 63 n. 6 lists Eruvin among incunabula. Such a printing is not known.) Others estimate as early as 271=1510/1.

[26] Marx, Annalen, 53.

[27] Last 13ff (leaves 125-143) added to binding but do not belong to this edition. In an envelope on the cover are 5ff from same edition as x

[28] Cf. Jerusalem Judaica auction catalogue 12/1993 #

[29] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, postincunabula no. 4.

[30] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 57-132. Rabbinovicz, Ma’amar, 32; Heller, ibid., 1:101. The copy Rabbinovicz saw had 175ff. Correct Heller, Earliest Printings, 68 re. the amount of pages and the colophon date.

[31] Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 61. See Stollman, Eruvin X, pp. 18-19, who informs that the girsa (at least of the tenth chapter) — based solely on the testimony of Rabbinovicz in his Dikduke Soferim on Eruvin — generally conforms to that of Oxford, Bodleian Opp. Add. fol. 23 (Neubauer 366), which is dated to ca. 14-15th cen. around Spain.

[32] An edition of Pesahim from Pesaro, ca. 271 [=1510/1] was claimed by Habermann, Soncino, 63, no. 52; Vinograd, Otsar, Pesaro 23 — but was not substantiated. Friedman, Masekhtot, 18, n. 50 strongly doubts that it ever existed.

[33] Heller, 16th Cen., 1:15.

[34] Heller, ibid., 1:15. See Friedman, Masekhtot, 32-33.

[35] Marx, Annalen, 55.

[36] Marx, ibid.

[37] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 216-239. Heller, 16th Cen., 1:101.

[38] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 133-196. See also below, note 56. For provenance, see below, n. 65. Habermann, Perakim, 62, no. 50 and Vinograd, Otsar, Pesaro 18 (both based on Freimann, Typographisches, 144, no. 17) believed a partial copy of Yoma printed in Pesaro 271 [=1510/11] was found among books brought from Yemen, but no evidence was ever presented to substantiate the claim.

[39] Heller, ibid. Cf. Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 21, n. 31.

[40] Rabbinovicz, Ma’amar, 32-35. Rabbinovicz testifies to having seen a leaf that contained [the Vilna equivalent to] 25b-26a but today this is unknown anywhere in the world. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 25. Dimitrovsky thinks that perhaps Rabbinovicz had actually seen the Guadalajara edition (ibid., 69). This is the same conclusion reached (independently?) by Levine, 313, n. 5.

[41] Marx, Annalen, 51.

[42] Marx, ibid.

[43] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, post-incunabula no. 3.

[44] Cf. description in Christie’s auction catalogue 5/1986 #33.

[45] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 197-215; Incunabula Printing, IH 105.

[46] Freimann, Thesaurus, A28; Tishby, Vatican, p. 856 no. 31.

[47] Plus 4ff, in place of the original Soncino print for the second chapter, that are identified by Friedman, Masekhtot, 25-27, as from Kushta, [ca. 1505] (see below, no. 30); begins with the equivalent to Vilna 20a.

[48] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, no. 22. Tishby, Israel, p 953, no. 60 had recorded only 2ff in Schocken. See below, no. 33.

[49] Friedman, Masekhtot, 25-27. The dating is very confused however. While Friedman, ibid., 27, points to similarities with the Turim (Kushta, 254 [=1493/4]), and suggests dating the [Kushta] Kiddushin, and by implication this Bezah as well, close to that incunable date, he had also previously claimed the Kiddushin was based on the Barco edition, which was probably printed around 258 [=1497/8]. This might imply that the [Kushta] Kiddushin was printed somewhat later than 1501. This, in turn, would imply the Bezah too was not in fact an incunable. As such, the dating of the caption on p. 26 must be corrected to read “ca. 265.”

[50] Friedman, Masekhtot, 27.

[51] Friedman, Masekhtot, 24-25. Friedman designates the edition as "הבלתי נודע". The dating is here suggested based on the other Kushta [5]269 prints. Kamenetsky, in his forthcoming work, suggests locating it in Naples, possibly dating to the incunabulum period.

[52] Plus 5ff; the first of these last five is the last page of gemara Bezah; it, or all five, may belong to Soncino/Pesaro print. See Friedman, Masekhtot, 25, n. 80. It is not clear whether these 5ff are the same five folia considered above, no. 29. (Is this the copy that David Frankel, Hebräische Inkunabeln 1475-1494: Katalog 71 (1931), p. 2 records as from Soncino and with 21ff?) Kamenetsky designates the edition of the last five pages as “Pesaro II” (see below, no. 33).

[53] Manzoni, 230-231, suggests dating at 1509-10 (“Pesaro I” in Kamenetsky’s designation); Marx, Geschichten, IMHM f. 40461, p. 176 dates it 1507-1510.

[54] Cf. Artom, 57, no. 11.

[55] Tal, Betzah, p. 6, with related bibliography. Kamenetsky, in an article in preparation, independently reached the same conclusion.

[56] Not reproduced in Dimitrovsky, SB, who was planning to print it, and the BL copies of Yoma, Hagigah and Kiddushin (also not reproduced in Dimitrovsky), in a special facsimile volume (Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 13). This has yet to appear. For provenance, see below n. 65.

[57] Cf. Kestenbaum auction catalogue 6/1999 #

[58] Recorded by Marx, Annalen, 58 (and repeated in Marx, Geschichten, IMHM f. 40461, p. 186, no. 57). However, currently an exemplar at HUC cannot be confirmed by Daniel J. Rettberg, Senior Associate Librarian at HUC-Cincinnati.

[59] Claims of the existence of Megilah printed in Soncino, 245 [=1484/5] (see Heller, PT, 54), were questioned by Segal, p. 130, n. 1 and put to rest by Friedman, Masekhtot, 16-17, who showed the claim to be baseless. Surprisingly, Heller, Earliest Printings, 63, still repeats the error.

[60] Cf. Adams, 254.

[61] Marx, Annalen, 48.

[62] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 240-261.

[63] Marx, Annalen, 49.

[64] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 262-276; Incunabula Printing, IH 109. See also above, note 56. Tishby, Israel prefers: ca. 242 [=1481/2]. It is not clear on what basis Heller, Earliest Printings, 63 n. 6 thought of Hagigah as a Soncino incunabulum.

[65] See Marx, Geschichten, IMHM f. 40460 where he cites bookseller Antiquariaat Pampiere Wereld, Amsterdam, May 3, 1949 for sale of item. Offenberg, BL, 82 informs that BL bought the copy in 1952, and that Adler had bought it from Bamberg/Wahrman around 1935. He also cites Dimitrovsky who reports that the copy was brought from India by S. Assaf in the early 1930s. Thus, apparently there was an interim period after Adler died (1946) when the copy was transferred to Pampiere Wereld and possibly another interim owner before acquisition by the BL.

[66] Some pages do not appear in Dimitrovsky!

[67] Tishby, Israel, no. 61.

[68] Not currently extant. It is questionable whether this was ever actually printed in full. The manuscript bi-folio in JTSA includes text of the Talmud and Rashi, both in rabbinical (“Rashi”) script, just as the Fes edition of Rosh haShanah. The format of the page is set based on the Guadalajara edition. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 67-68; for part facsimile, see ibid, 143.

[69] Marx, Annalen, 43.

[70] According to Marx, Geschichten, IMHM f. 40460.

[71] No longer extant; but Chwolson, Reshit, 22 records having seen a copy of it in London. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 72.

[72] No longer extant. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 110.

[73] No longer extant. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 110.

[74] Marx, Annalen, 45.

[75] Important Hebrew manuscripts, incunabula & printed books: choice Judaica books from the collection of the late Michael ZagayskiPart Two: May 12-13, 1970. New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1970. p. 34, no. 63.

[76] Cf. description in Sotheby’s auction catalogue 5/1981 #204 and 2/1984 #86 and 10/2000 #

[77] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 277-302ב; Incunabula Printing, IH 112. See Tishby, Israel, who prefers to date it “ca. 242 [=1481/2];” correct the Arabic numerals there. See, too, Iakerson, JTSA, xxxix, n. 133 and ibid., no. 89, where he refers to a new page identified among JTSA fragments.

[78] Tishby, Israel, no. 62.

[79] Not in Dimitrovsky! Facsimiles available on

[80] Facsimiles: Incunabula Printing, IH 113. Freimann, Thesaurus, A43.

[81] See Friedman, David ben Elazar, 18

[82] Habermann, Soncino, no. 52, following Freiman, ibid., 144 no. 17 (and followed by Vinograd, Otsar, Pesaro 20) claims a Nedarim printed in Pesaro 271 [1510/1] is found in JTSA, but this cannot be substantiated.

[83] Adler, Talmud printing (followed by Marx, Annalen, 50 and Vinograd, Otsar, Pesaro 47) recorded in his collection a fragment of Sotah printed in Pesaro 278 [=1517/8], but such has not been found either in JTSA or in the BL, where most of ENA material ended up. Vinograd, CD, no. 54493, records the edition without any comment.

[84] Facsimiles: Incunabula Printing, IH 106. Freimann, Thesaurus, A44.

[85] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, no. 23. Tishby, Israel, no. 64 records 12ff.

[86] Identification based on Friedman, Masekhtot, 7, 10.

[87] See Goff, Heb-106; Tamani, Soncino, 47, following Goff, claimed the copy was one of three (nearly) complete ones! This incunable was not among the items sold in the Parke-Bernet sales of Zagayski items in 1970, and likely was never owned by Zagayski. According to Dr. Paul Needham of Princeton University’s Scheide Library, a typed list of incunables arranged by Stillwell numbers was sent to Goff by Zagayski or his staff in preparation of the new census. This number was included, but most likely represents an error of transcription. Tamani also claimed an exemplar of 26 folia in private hands in England; this is likely a reference to the copy bought by Jesselson and donated to the JNUL (now: NLI).

[88] No longer extant. See Iakerson, JTSA, lvi-lvii.

[89] = [~17] Dec 1496? Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 303-372; Incunabula Printing, IH 107-108. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 73-74, 132-33; Iakerson, JTSA, xxx.

[90] Yudlov, GY, 21, no. 19 mentions that the exemplar has five pages of photocopies attached from “the Leiden library.” The exemplar, now in NLI, was examined and the attached pages found are: 15a-18a; 82b-83a; 89b-90a. Only the last page, with the stamp of Academiae Lugduno-Batavae Bibliotheca, is from Leiden. The other pages evidently were gotten from the other collections (via Dimitrovsky?).

[91] Unidentifiable; in folder of Soncino fragments.

[92] Facsimiles: Incunabula Printing, IH 50. See also above, note 56. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 16ff. Tishby, Israel, prefers “ca. 242 [=1481/2].”

[93] See Kestenbaum & Company, Fine Judaica: Hebrew Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters & Graphic Art: OCTOBER 27TH, 2010 — AUCTION 49. NY: Kestenbaum & Company, 2010. lot 279.

[94] According to the NLI catalogue record, these pages are missing in the BL copy and thus are bound together with their Photostat of the BL copy. As it is difficult to locate items in the Camb microfilms (no comprehensive print catalogue exists for early prints among the Camb Genizah fragments), an exact citation is difficult but see T-S AS 189.50 for a page (20a) from this edition.

[95] Offenberg does not record this. Instead, Offenberg, Census, 133, records a Kiddushin printed in Soncino, 249 [=1488/9], but this has been proven baseless. See Friedman, Masekhtot, 7-10.

[96] Friedman, Masekhtot, 14 — except that in the facsimile there, p. 11, the year is mistakenly identified as 255 [=1494/5]. Iakerson, JTSA, xlv, n. 151 follows Friedman’s identification, except that he prefers: Salonika, between 265-275 [=1504/5-1514/5]. Cf. Yudlov, GY, who had dated it to “ca. 5280.”

[97] Friedman, ibid.

[98] Plus 5 irrelevant fragments from other later editions. See Friedman, Masekhtot, 12.

[99] Based on Friedman, ibid., n. 16.

[100] See Traube, 10-23 (Heb; p. 2 in the English section), where he mentions some fragments in a box designated “Unknown incunabula.” Despite recent valiant efforts by the Bodleian staff, these fragments have not yet been located.

[101] Friedman, Masekhtot, 14. Iakerson, JTSA, xlv, n. 151 follows Friedman’s identification, except that he prefers: Salonika, between 265-275 [=1504/5-1514/5]. Friedman, ibid, 10, rejects the possibility of a Kiddushin printed in Pesaro 271 [=1510/11], as claimed by Freimann, Typographisches, 144 no. 25; Habermann, Perakim, 61, no. 46 and Vinograd, Otsar, Pesaro 24.

[102] Friedman, ibid, 14.

[103] Friedman, ibid, 7, 14.

[104] Facsimiles: Freimann, Thesaurus, A49 1-2. Friedman, David ben Elazar, 20-21, prefers to date both BK and BM to 15 March 250 [=1490], and possibly even later. Iakerson still prefers 249? [=1489?].

[105] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, no. 19.

[106] Zedner, 744; Marx, Annalen, 37.

[107] Friedman, David ben Elazar, 10, n. 3; Masekhtot, 16.

[108] See above, note 104. Facsimiles: Incunabula Printing, IH 100. Freimann, Thesaurus, A50.

[109] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, no. 20.

[110] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 373-386ב. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 75-77; Heller, PT, 38-39, 406. Offenberg, BL (cf. pp. lxx-lxxi) agrees neither with the place nor the date of publication, as he doesn’t believe the edition is an incunable. See Heller, Earliest Printings, 67, n. 21 and Catalogue, 198.

[111] See facsimile at Jewish Encyclopedia, vol 12, p. 12 (available here: ) for first page of text currently missing in the JTS copy.

[112] Friedman, Masekhtot, 16.

[113] Important for reconstruction of Pesaro ed. See Fogel, 11-19.

[114] No longer extant. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 86-89.

[115] Regarding a Baba Batra published in Soncino and claimed by Meyer, S-tC, 55 on the basis of Adler, Talmud printing, 83; and now repeated by the Gesselschaft M44816 — not only has this edition never been substantiated, Friedman has shown how the error probably started. See Friedman, Masekhtot, 16 n. 33 and 19 and n. 52 there.

[116] Marx, Annalen, 39. Either this, or the Yale exemplar, may have been the second copy of Strauss. See Strauss, 365, no. 6321.

[117] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, post-incunabula no. 2.

[118] Friedman, Masekhtot, 16.

[119] Facsimiles: Incunabula Printing, IH 115. Freimann, Thesaurus, A84. Place of publication is agreed upon by most bibliographers; but Offenberg, BL, 75 disagrees.

[120] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 387-402. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 75-77; Heller, PT, 38-39, 406; Offenberg, BL (cf. p. 94 and lxx-lxxi) doesn’t agree with identification of either the place or date of publication, as he doesn’t believe the edition is an incunable. Apparently, Iakerson agrees with him as he doesn’t include this edition in his catalog of incunables in JTSA. See also Heller, Earliest Printings, 67, n. 21 and Catalogue, p. 198.

[121] Marx, Annalen, 55.

[122] Freimann, Typographisches, 143; Marx, Geschichten, IMHM f. 40461, p. 185, no. 55. Current location uncertain.

[123] Regarding an Avodah Zarah published in Soncino claimed by Meyer, S-tC, 56, on the basis of Adler, Talmud printing, 83; and repeated by Gesselschaft M44815 — not only has this edition never been substantiated, Friedman has shown how the error probably started. See Friedman, Masekhtot, 19 and n. 52 there. Strangely, Heller, Earliest Printings, 63, n. 6 still repeats this error.

[124] Marx, Annalen, 52.

[125] See Marx. This copy cannot be located currently, and is likely among those incunables and post-incunables “transported” to Russia during and following WW2, and which reside now in the National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg, according to Antje Theise of the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg.

[126] At end, includes a redaction of pHoriyot different than the “first” edition (Venice [5283? =1522/3?]).

[127] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 403-416, 421-434; Incunabula Printing, IH 111. Freimann, Thesaurus, B35. Iakerson prefers dating this over a range of years.

[128] Not in Dimitrovsky, SB! Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, no. 25.

[129] Facsimiles: Incunabula Printing, IH 110. Freimann, Thesaurus, A53.

[130] Hebrew incunables: a collection of books printed in the fifteenth century in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Turkey…Catalogue no. 80. New York: D. Frankel & sons [1939], p. 4, no. 7.

[131] Cf. Kestenbaum auction catalogue 11/22/2004 #

[132] Schaeper, Einbandfragmente, no. 24. The pages actually may be from the Pesaro ed.

[133] Marx, Annalen, 44. This may have been an ENA copy.

[134] Facsimiles: Dimitrovsky, SB, 417-420. See Heller, 16th Cen., 1:101, based on Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 44-45, 69-70. Includes four to five lines of Rashi above the text of the Talmud, as is common in all Soncino tractates, and not like other Sephardic prints — other than Kushta ones — in which Rashi text began level with the first line of Talmud. Thus, perhaps this edition was printed after the Eruvin of the Fes press, under the influence, or based upon, the Soncino/Pesaro? prints. See Dimitrovsky, Mavo, 70. Perhaps, then, even this edition was printed in Salonica/Kushta ca. 1521, as suggested by ISTC it00015260 and Gesselschaft M4483010.

[135] So the order on the title page. Yet in the text itself, Tamid precedes Midot, as is common, although by no means consistent, in Mishnah tractate order. Also, whereas on the t.p. and at the colophon of the tractate there is a mem at the end of “Kinim,” but at the title of the actual tractate as well as a running header on one page, as well as at the Piskei Tosafot section at the end of the volume, the word is spelled with a nun at the end. What is more interesting, however, is the placement of Kinim before Tamid and Midot altogether. Generally, Mishnah tractate order is arranged according to decreasing number of chapters per tractate (see Epstein, Mavo, 2:985-986); thus, Kinim with only three chapters is usually ordered last (following Tamid and Midot, with six and five chapters respectively) in Seder Kodashim. Hence, Kinim appears as the last tractate in Mishnah manuscripts: Oxford, Bodleian ms. Pococke 295 (Neubauer 404) [Maimonides autograph; IMHM f. 18392]; Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, ms. Kaufman A 50; Cambridge, University Library, ms. Add. 470 (1) [IMHM f. 15910]; Parma, Palatina ms. 3173 (De Rossi 138) [IMHM f. 13911]; as well as Mishnah editio princeps: Naples 1492 (witnesses to the relevant pages in the Spanish Mishnah print — recorded in Winship, Fifteenth Century Books Owned in America (1919), p. 153; Meyer, S-tC, no. 269; Yaari, Kiryat Sefer 22 (1945/6) pp. 229, 234 — which may well have preceded Naples, sadly do not survive); as well as in manuscripts with Talmud text: Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cod. hebr. 95; Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Magl. II 1.79. (Moscow, Russian State Library ms. Guenzburg 763 [IMHM f. 48045] and Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica ebr. 120 [IMHM f. 8687] must be considered exceptions that prove the rule). Furthermore, the order of tractates in the Venice edition of Seder Kodashim with Maimonides’ commentary, published by Bomberg separately (apparently) that same year, also has Kinim as the last tractate of the Order. As there is no Tosefta for the tractates Tamid, Midot or Kinim, nor Jerusalem Talmud for any of Seder Kodashim, nor Babylonian Talmud for most of the last three tractates of the seder, the order of tractates in the Mishnah is the only evidence for their arrangement. Thus, the unexpected change of order in the final Talmud volume published by Bomberg (and Cornelius Adelkind) proves mysterious. It may be due, it is true, to a simple technical difficulty that didn’t merit specific explanation by the printer, nor his editor Rabbi Hiya Meir ben David, but then why wasn’t this order fixed in later editions? Most Talmud editions following Bomberg basically kept not only the pagination (for variances, see Heller, Designing) but his order of tractates as well. Did the learned Hiya Meir consider the statement in Avot 3:18/23 (“Kinim and menstrual period calculations are essential laws”) as binding on priority in tractate order? Kinim, then, might precede Tamid and Midot, number of chapters notwithstanding, because the latter two tractates, as mere descriptions of Temple dimensions and procedure, are nowadays less essential than laws regarding Temple offerings. The complexity of the subject matter perhaps deemed it more “Talmud” than the other two, and thus was placed in more immediate juxtaposition to Talmud proper than either Tamid or Midot.

[136] Facsimiles: Incunabula Printing, IH 114. Freimann, Thesaurus, A54.

[137] Cf. Kestenbaum auction catalogue 11/22/2004 # 

[138] Tishby, Israel, no. 71.

[139] Cf. Jerusalem Judaica auction catalogue 2/2000 #

[140] David Frankel (1931), p. 3.

[141] T.p. spells it plene (i.e. with yod) but colophon has it defective.